Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Bible Belt and Porn Connection

I heard somewhere that the people in what's known as the "Bible Belt" (aka, the Red states) consume just as much, if not more pornography than those states that are more liberal-leaning. I did a little online searching and came up with this article which confirmed it.
What I didn't expect was some of the most conservatives states, such as Utah, had the highest numbers. Also, the conservative states are just as likely to watch gay porn as much as straight porn, as well as every kinky fetish, according to this article. Let me get this straight. Religious people slam homosexuality, at least in public. But behind closed doors, when they think no one is tracking their internet searches, they not only look at as much damn porn as "non-believers" but will look at something like this...

vs. something more "innocent" like this...

  • hyp·o·crite
  • [ híppə krìt ]
  1. somebody feigning high principles: somebody who pretends to have admirable principles, beliefs, or feelings but behaves otherwise

Here's a report from The Young Turks on this topic:

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