I've never been to one and I always wanted to go. And...also I felt the need to expose my naked flesh to someone so I needed to fill that gap. I wanted to see a real live person naked and I wanted to be seen naked by them, too. So, after quite a long drive, I arrived at Glen Eden Nudist Resort in Corona. I paid the admission fee, and the admin guy told me to completely undress and meet back at the golf cart. It's not like this was the first time getting naked in front of someone. There were visits to the doctor, locker rooms, and a few times I went to an onsen when I was in Okinawa. Still, the first time being seen is embarrassing. After a while, though, you forget about it. I figured this guy has already seen my cock (which was the real reason for my insecurity), and not only that, but he must have seen a lot of cock, and other body parts, since he started working here. We went around the perimeter, and my tour guide showed me many places within the facility: pools, cabanas, deli, tennis courts, gym, hiking trails...and a laundry facility. Intrigued, I asked, "Why would nudists need to do laundry?" He said that everyone needs to carry around a towel and sit on it for hygiene reasons, just like you would do at a gym. We stopped near the front office and my naked ass went exploring on foot. I tried not to make eye contact as I walked by people. I just felt so self-conscious now. When I was in the golf cart, at least it provided me with some cover. Out here I was totally exposed...and I was starting to like it. It was exhilarating. For one thing, where else can you drive around on a golf cart butt-naked? Not even on a golf course can you do that (well, you can, but the guards and police won't be too far behind if you did that). I went hiking and even though the sun was beating down on me, I continued to climb towards the top of a hill. The hill overlooked the I-15 freeway. I nervously hid behind a boulder, but then realized 1) the people on the freeway were probably going way too fast to notice a figure that far away in the distance, 2) what were they going to see without binoculars, 3) I. Didn't. Care. I bounced my willy up and down at all the passing cars, then descended down the hill. I then headed for the cafe and there ordered a sandwich. Don't ask me where I kept my money to pay for it. All-in-all, I can honestly say that I really recommend going at least once to a nudist resort or beach. They are not a bunch of perverts. They are normal people living normal lives - naked. Their bodies are not perfect, and that's the beauty of it. They won't judge you based on how you look and what you may or may not have. They've seen enough nudity to realize that bodies come in all shapes and sizes and they're all beautiful.
Nudity is natural. How did it become grotesque, indecent and gross? How did it become an object of ridicule? It's because of religion and traditions. Culture has a major influence on our lives. I don't mean to get religious on you, but here in the West, the culture has been heavily influenced by the Roman Catholic and Protestant churches. The church from about 400-500 AD on got their views on the naked body and sex from St. Augustine, who was a gnostic. He taught that the physical was evil, the spiritual is good. As I stated in an earlier post, he taught that undressing your own wife or thinking about having sex with her was a sin. But even he couldn't keep up his own religious game and broke down. He was quoted as saying, "Lord, give me chastity - but not yet!" Anyway, that's what gnosticism believes and it has influenced us in big ways.
Anthony explains in a YouTube clip that there are even biblical examples of people being naked in public and it was not considered sin:
Edit: I received an e-mail from Blogger stating that supposedly I'm using copyrighted material, although they didn't go into the specifics on what material. So, it was taken down and I'm going to have to remove all the nudie pics as well as any links, unfortunately. Sorry, guys. Not my call to make.
Question for the reader: What are your thoughts on nudity? Have you ever gone nude in public? Would you?
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