Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Premarital sex

This is a very touchy subject. For some, like me, it would mean that one had denied him/herself, in vain - sometimes for many years. I find nothing in the Bible specifically listing premarital sex a sin, not even in the big list of sins in Leviticus 18, where the Lord details unlawful sexual sins, which include (in graphic detail) incest, bestiality and apparently homosexuality. Some people have said that just because it isn't in the list, doesn't mean it is not a sin. I disagree with that position. Who is able to determine what is a sin or not? God. Man is incapable to determine that. Sin is whatever God says it is, not what you say it is. So, if there is no law against something, it's not a sin to do it.
It's a spiritual crime, and carries with it penalties that must be paid in blood. Think about this - has a policeman ever pulled you over and charged you with a crime not in the books? Never happened to me or anyone I know. Want to know why? Because that would be illegal. He cannot legally charge you with something unless you commit an infraction of the law. In the same way, God cannot find you guilty of a spiritual crime for which He made no law. One may still insist that just because it's not on the list, doesn't mean it's not a crime, since the list and examples in the Bible are so limited in space. It's true that there can't possibly be a list long enough for each and every situation, but that's where the supreme law of "Love God and Love Neighbor As Yourself" comes in. Does something I do hurt God or my neighbor? Romans 13:10 says, "Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law" (NIV).

Some scriptures that people use in the New Testament may be clearly saying that premarital sex is a sin, but look a little bit closer. In 1Cor7:2 read: "Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband" (KJV).What's fornication? If you think it's premarital sex, think again. The word is used also in Matthew 19:9, where Jesus says that fornication is the only acceptable reason for divorce. So, premarital sex is a reason for divorce? No, that's not what he is saying. In this case, the person cannot be committing "premarital sex" since she is already married. The word fornication is used more to describe things like temple prostitution, adultery, incest, and, in the case of Israel, idolatry. So, 1Cor7 can mean "...to avoid temple harlotry, let every man have his own wife." This would make sense, since the city of Corinth was filled with all types of idols that had their own shrines and temples, and they had prostitute priestesses who worshiped the false deity by luring in people to have sex with them. In that superstitious time, it was a common belief that if you had sex with a temple harlot, you would be blessed because you worshiped that god. So it had to do more with the practices of certain fertility cults.

Furthermore, there was a study that showed that among those that pledged to be virgins until marriage, 80% of Evangelicals Have Had Sex. Compare that with 88% by the "world's" standards. 80% reneged on their promise to God, and that silver ring thing went out the window. Why? Today's theology teaches that, basically, sex is evil. This is not a new teaching, by the way. We got this theology from the Roman Catholic church, which was influenced very heavily by the former Manichean Gnostic, St. Augustine. I don't even like referring to this man as a "saint." He's done much damage with his way of thinking. Anywho, he taught that the physical is evil, the spiritual is good. He also taught that sex was the original sin. He taught having sex with your own wife was a sin. He went further and taught that even thinking about having lawful sex with her or undressing her was sin! And that theology pits your desires (which are God-given) against misleading teachings that have been taught for centuries.

We barely know anything about sex nowadays, anyway. We've been in the dark for so long, that we are just now shedding our inhibitions. In the Victorian Era, women would go to doctors to get treated for "hysteria." The solution? They would be masturbated by the doctors. Don't believe me?

The funniest part for me was about the rogue uterus traveling around the woman's body. Who comes up with this shit?

There's actually a ministry that approves of and encourages premarital sex. About time! Check out Premaritalsex2013 on YouTube, also at Christian Premarital Sex Ministry.

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