Here are some terms for you to look up:
clothed male naked female
clothed female naked male
ENF - embarrassed naked female
Despite what I said
earlier about the human body being nothing to be ashamed of and that people shouldn't worry about being naked, I have a confession to make. I LOVE seeing, reading, and hearing about people (both female and male) being put into embarrassing situations where they are naked, particularly in front of others. It's a fetish of mine. I'm thinking it's a pretty common fetish if the results from my google searches is any indication. I remember playing the arcade game
Rampage and my favorite part was (still is, actually) when the monsters' health got all the way down to zero and they would shrink back down and become a human again - naked as the day they were born. I would imagine myself in that situation and the sheer humiliation of having to go through the city that they had only moments before been destroying without a stitch of clothes on. What a thrill! I can just imagine their red faces as they slink back towards the screen edges with their hands tightly covering their privates (presumably into the waiting arms of the authorities).
One of the best arcade games of the '80's. |
Personally, I've experienced embarrassing situations where I was naked myself. I remember when I was very young, and I was at my dad's work. He owned a pizza shop, and my mom also worked there. I think I was out of diapers at that time. Anyway, I was sitting on the toilet, and I had finished doing my "business." But I don't think I knew how to wipe my own ass yet - a problem. So, I called out for someone to come help. One of my dad's co-workers heard me and came in and started laughing. He then left, and told someone, who did the same thing. Here I was, a naked little boy with his pants and Transformers underwear around his ankles, who had just got done taking a crap, standing there in front of the toilet with his shriveled little penis on display for everyone to see, confused as all hell about what was going on and why these adults were pointing and laughing at him. One-by-one they came in and did the same thing. The laughed and pointed, and left. Finally, my mom came in and was like, "Why didn't you just ask for me?" I was thinking like, "I don't know. Should I have?" It wasn't embarrassing at the time, probably because I didn't know any better. If I knew then what I know now, I probably would have been traumatized. I know now that I've must have looked incredibly ridiculous. I even remember one of them made the "two-finger" small penis sign. Only now do I look back and realize what they were referring to. Awkward...
Yeah, it was probably smaller than this. |
I remember once, when I was a child, I saw a young girl, maybe 5-7 years old, being taken by her mom to the local swimming pool at an apartment complex. Only thing was, she didn't have a bathing suit on. I'm not saying she went in regular clothes, or even in her underwear, she wasn't wearing anything! She was completely naked!! And she looked EMBARRASSED! I remember she was begging her mom to let her put something on or to go back inside the house. The mom just looked like she ignored her or told her to be quiet and enjoy the water. I wondered why a mother would let her child be naked in such a public place. Did she somehow lose her bathing suit and her mom wouldn't buy her another one, so she was made to swim in her birthday suit? She was Hispanic, so perhaps it was a cultural thing? Maybe the mother honestly thought that her child was just being too modest and she had nothing to hide since she hadn't "developed" yet. Or, maybe it was that the kid was being punished, and public nudity and embarrassment were included in her punishment (hey, things were different back then).
Poor Timmy (although, it would have been nice for it to have been a girl, instead). |
On a routine physical when I had entered puberty, I had to pull down my pants and shorts to let the doctor examine my..."underbelly." I jumped as his gloved fingers touched my scrotum. After the immense embarrassment of having a stranger touch my most private of parts, I thought I had endured the worst of it. Alas, not so. My dad came back in after the exam. While the he and the doctor were talking, he asked, "Isn't his penis...too small?" I cringed with embarrassment. I did not know my own dad thought that my manhood was small for my age. Great! Now I'll have the thought of my pops thinking I have a baby dick for the rest of my life. Oh, the shame! The doctor simply looked around, then looked directly at my crotch (I was clothed at that time, but at that point, it felt like I was naked all over again). He then said, "I'm not sure...he looked fine to me. Maybe I can refer your question to a urologist." I didn't care about going to a pecker checker. I just wanted to get the hell out of there. That was an awkward drive back home. Thanks, dad.
When I was in Junior High, it was an awkward age, had not yet hit puberty. I was also very shy, and couldn't get myself to even get undressed unto my underwear in front of people. So I had to wait until people cleared the locker room, then I felt comfortable enough to change over. It wasn't long until I caught the attention of some others. They surrounded me while I was changing and wanted to know why I was so shy. They told me that if I didn't stop doing what I was doing, they were going to throw me out of the locker room in my underwear - or worse. I wouldn't call myself a late-bloomer, but I wasn't (and I'm not now) well-endowed. Just on the short side of average. I very reluctantly took off my clothes, and when I pulled down my pants and exposed my undies, one of them said, in Spanish, "Aww, look at how tiny it is." I instantly cringed. Up until then, I was only body shy. Now I was being humiliated about having a penis the size of a little boy's by a group of fuckin' locker room bullies. By that time, my penis may not have grown at all since that whole pizza shop incident! How embarrassing! Why the hell were they there, anyway? Wasn't PE over? I don't know what would have happened if they had stripped me completely naked, but...I kept thinking about it. This kicked off my humiliation fetish. I've fantasized about being stripped naked of my clothes, especially in front of a bunch of girls. How they would laugh at the size of my cock and their beautiful eyes would take in my little pink thingie and my extremely red face. I've gotten off on thinking about how it would feel as then their hands would travel over every inch of my naked flesh, caressing, pinching, teasing, mocking, laughing...oh, my this is getting me horny. Anyway, I eventually got over the fact that I had a small penis and have enjoyed going out naked where it was appropriate - and legal! So what if my penis isn't going to make Playgirl or Penthouse. And it's a thrill to be naked in front of others. Go visit a nude colony or nude beach.
I was in the military at one point in my young adult life and we had what were known as "barracks," which was just a fancy word for living quarters. Anyway, at one point we were living in two towers, females on one side, males on the other. I remember this one time when I was super horny and saw two females in the same room across the way. Well, I don't know what made me do this, but I pulled down my pants and I pushed my hardened penis between two of the blinds. Basically, I was flashing them. They both saw it, and were a bit amused by the spectacle. They both made the small penis sign. I told my friend about it later and he was like, "Hahaha! That's my boy!"
I remember the first time I exposed myself to a friend of mine before we had casual sex. I had already told her that I was small down there and had taken off everything except for my boxers. My legs were shaking and I had the hardest time pulling down my shorts.
What would she say? Would she point and burst out laughing? Who would she tell? All of these thoughts were racing through my head. She kept looking at me and asking what was taking me so long. "Please - don't laugh," I pleaded. I eventually built up the courage and pulled my underwear down to my ankles. My cock was erect as I stood up straight, my gaze on the ground, fists and teeth clenched as shame began to wash over me. What was she thinking at that moment? Was she thinking, "Is that it??" Or was she trying to hold back her laughter, knowing that it would hurt my feelings? I braced myself for her reaction. "That's...not small." I opened my eyes and looked at her face. She was looking right at my cock. I walked over to her, and she held it in her hands. Then, I moved her hand down to cup my balls and that's when she took my member in her mouth. You never know what someone will feel about your body until you show them. Even though I told her not to laugh, she soon found out that I dig comments about my size - about how I'm "cute" and about how my small penis compares with others she's seen.

It must be a very awkward feeling to have only your two hands as the only means of protecting your most private of body parts away from the gaze of others
"Alright, you lost the bet. Come on - it's no big deal. Now drop your shorts and...oh my God YOUR DICK IS SO TINY!! Look at how small he is! I guess I was right - it's not a big deal, at all! Hold on - I need to get a photo of this!" This guy's life is going to get a bit more interesting now.
I couldn't imagine the extreme shame that this poor fellow is experiencing. To have an attractive female openly laughing at his obvious...shortcomings, is no less than devastating. I mean, look at how tiny it is. You have to actually look pretty hard to see it. Makes you wonder how small he is flaccid. Does it even stick out?
Being completely butt-naked in public as punishment? Now that's embarrassing! Hey, I'd vote for that. I wonder what one would need to do to deserve that? |
Is that a band-aid over her pussy? I guess it's better than the black or mosaic censor bar. |
And for you bronies out there:
Uh-huh... |
Something tells me Princess Luna was behind Discord's shenanigans with Rarity. Karma is a bitch, huh? Hope you have a good cover story for why everyone saw you NAKED at the Grand Galloping Gala! |
Here are my thoughts. It's some naughty and sometimes dirty fun. It's a great fantasy that everyone can appreciate. We all have those "embarrassing stories" that we like to bring up. What better embarrassment than with a little nudity? Question for the reader: What about you? What do you feel on this subject?