What if you're wrong? Have you ever thought about it? What's at stake in believing the wrong things?
An acquaintance of mine who we'll call Clint has a habit of wearing his mind on his Facebook page. He's a Baptist and believes strongly that homosexuality is a grave sin against God. He makes these posts that explicitly and unashamedly attack homosexuals exclusively, and sometimes "lukewarm", "worldly" Christians who "enable" them. I shake my head every time he posts something and I know inside that it's all because of misinterpretations of Scripture. What is at stake if he's wrong? He is unfairly slandering people who are only being who they were created to be. How would you like it if I threw rocks at you on your wedding day? He will probably deny it if you confronted him with it, but he is in the same league with the Westboro Baptists with all of their picketing and dick-waving. All people, not just heterosexuals, deserve fair treatment. This man is not loving his neighbor as himself, only those neighbors that he "approves" of.
Speaking of which, I should bring up the former church that I used to attend for a number of years - the International Churches of Christ (or the ICOC). The reason I'm bring it up is I'm reminded of all of the people that I was there with (and some are still there) and I remember all of the things that used to be taught, either overtly or covertly. Almost every sermon had something to do with Hell (which is bullshit, only the most stubborn people won't be "saved" in the end - if there are any that will be "annihilated"), oh and the "One True Church" doctrine. Hated that one from the very get go and never agreed to it. You have to be pretty damn arrogant to believe that you pricks are the only ones going to Heaven. If they are, I don't want to go and be around those pricks for all eternity. Let's not forget about purity, which I've already disproved in earlier posts. Then there was the putting up with abuses, because you had to "seek first the Kingdom"...these people were deluded, I know that now. I wish I had known that back then. If I knew then what I know now, I would have NEVER went to church. Anyway, so the cost of being wrong are (among others) years of wasted time, and being forced to pay 10-15%+ of your monthly income for however long you are in, with no accountability as to where or how the money is being spent.
People can be fooled, and they will pay the price for their ignorance. If you need further proof that millions can be deceived into believing the wrong things, then watch a documentary that recently came out, entitled Cereal Killers. It's about a guy who's dad seemed perfectly healthy - until he had a heart attack. He then decided to find out why such a healthy man could just suddenly have such blocked arteries. What he found was that what everyone was told to eat since at least the 1950's, grains, was the exact opposite of what we need to eat. See, our ancestors ate very simple meals, and grains were rarely encountered, so our bodies have not adapted to eating wheat and oats and the like, particularly in the amounts that we eat today. And healthy fats, which are still unfairly demonized, are supposed to be the dominating foods in our diets, along with vegetables and certain fruits. That's just another example. The Minister of Propaganda for the Nazis, Joseph Goebbels, said that if you want people to believe lies, you need to tell big lies and repeat them over and over again, and eventually people will buy into it. But don't you do it! Don't you let these people run your life. In the end, ultimately you will have to face the consequences for the choices you've made. They will get theirs, rest assured, but so will you, and there is no amount of blame-shifting that's going to get you out of it. Make up your mind, therefore, and choose now how you want to live. It's your choice, and you will need to live with the consequences.
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