Hello. It's been a while. Life has been busy and I'm married now. I wanted to break my hiatus with something that has been on my mind for a while.
Now, I'm not a woman-hater (I married one after all), but I do see some disparity between how men are treated and how women are treated in this society. It seems to me, at least, that there are some definite double-standards at play. I noticed men being treated much harsher than their female counterparts. There is literally a subreddit with the name r/tiny tits. There was this girl who was incredibly hot, but there was one thing - well, actually two - things missing. The poor girl had no tits - literally. No exaggeration. They were so small I was wondering if what I was looking at was even legal, like "they didn't accidentally post the picture of a naked 12-year-old girl, now did they??" Hell, if she was wearing the right clothes, she could probably pass for a young teenage boy (no lovely lady-lumps).
I posted on her pic, "What tits?" for which I was downvoted and some goofball said, "You're in the wrong sub, jagoff."
I pondered this for a while. How come someone like her can be admired by so many men, who say how beautiful and sexy she is. Look at her - especially, with her arms raised, she has no tits. Yet, I can't ask, "Where are your tits?" And yet if it was a man, no matter if he had the perfect body, or how tall he was in the picture, he would be laughed at and teased mercilessly for having a tiny cock. To him, anyone can point and say, "Where's your dick lol!" Girls don't get treated like that from what I see, and it's for the same reason, too. She didn't have the choice to be born with tiny tits, just like guys have no control over the size of their...parts.
What about small titty humiliation? I see one post out of a hundred dealing with small tits, in comparison to SPH. I see both as equally degrading, yet only one seems to be socially-accepted.
I appreciate places where people are trying to combat this type of male-hating, male-shaming culture. It doesn't end with just penis size. In today's culture, men are sometimes portrayed as stupid, unenlightened, hot-blooded brutes. Sorry, I just needed to get this off my chest.
That said, I will continue to be a fan of small penis encouragement/small penis teasing as a fetish - mostly because of the fun factor.
What are your thoughts?
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It was this photo that started this. Notice her tits? Yeah, me neither. |